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A Beginner's Guide to Non-Dairy Milk

I grew up drinking dairy milk everyday, having it for breakfast (and thanks to elementary school) and lunch. I drank it so often that it became my drink of choice — over water. Overtime, my skin started to feel the effects of it all — I had very bad acne. I never thought it was because of dairy, but I’ve come to determine from both online resources and the patterns that my skin exhibited in reaction to dairy consumption that it was the dairy milk that was causing it. It's the main reason why I don’t drink dairy milk today.

But I'm far from the only one: according to The New York Times, Americans are now drinking 37% less dairy milk than in 1970. If you aren't very familiar with the non-dairy options out there and you'd like to learn more, this guide is for you! You’ll learn about why you should care (or not care) about each and which option(s) might work the best for you.

First things first: price-points, availability and taste are all dependent on what brands you buy, where you go to shop and what preferences you have. All of these opinions are just from my experience and research. I’m still learning about the non-dairy world, and if you have any corrections, objections, facts or comments, feel free to let me know at

With all of this being said, I hope you know a little bit more about your non-dairy options and which option(s) might be for you. There's much more to be said as new brands and options are introduced to us all the time, but I hope this gave you a basic foundation of what to know and expect.


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